We see that teachers work hard to make sure that we cover all of our state standards in our lesson plans, but that doesn’t always mean that our students are learning all of these skills or can apply them as well. We ask how do teachers know that our students are learning what we are teaching? This is why they can develop a system for tracking student growth as well. They must work on setting up a system for tracking student growth that allows teachers to determine which students are learning and which ones aren’t as we teach as well. We see that a system lets us know when to slow down or speed up as we teach as well. We see that it lets us know when to re-teach, or when to move on as well.  Most importantly, we see that it gives us real data to reflect on what things we are doing as a teacher are most effective in moving students forward as well. They must tailor their tracking system to their organizational style as well as needs.  They must make sure that their system is convenient to use so that they will remember to update it regularly as well. We see that it’s even better if both students, as well as teachers, can see some sort of tracking.  They like to have students track their progress on sheets they keep in their binder as well. We see that for their tracking, they use the same checklists that they print off for keeping track of turned-in assignments.  We see that instead of assignments, they label the columns with skills and check off students when they feel they have mastered skills as well. They also use a calendar page for each student where they make notes of strengths and weaknesses as well. They can use this to Teach Online as well as Online teaching can help them in understanding these things well. They don’t believe in using one test or measurement of progress as an end-all-be-all.  They constantly monitor their students’ progress by collecting data in a variety of ways as well such as pre-assessments. We see that pre-assessments are a great way to find out what their students already know and what they still need to teach before a unit or lesson as well. We see that they save wasting time on material students already know, and allow them to spend the maximum amount of time covering the things their students still need to learn as well. We see that they also make use of whiteboard practice. They have their students respond to various questions using their whiteboards as well.  This way they can quickly scan the room to see who understands the concept and who doesn’t as well.  They make a note of the students who don’t answer correctly so that they can plan re-teach opportunities. They can make use of exit tickets which are a great way to assess what students know after teaching a lesson as well. We see that it’s best to keep them short with only a few questions so that they can quickly grade and sort them based on which students understand the material and which ones may need re-teaching as well. They can work it out when students aren’t progressing as well. We see that it’s disappointing when students aren’t making the types of the progress we expect them to make, especially when we spend so much time making sure that our lessons are just right as well. We see that there are a few things they can do to make sure that these students don’t fall between the cracks as well. They can also pre-teach as well. We see that using data collected from their pre-assessments and other observations, they can pre-teach concepts to students who may struggle with the material as well. We see that many students need to be exposed to concepts multiple times before they understand them as well.  We know that by pre-teaching the concepts to these students before whole group instruction, they provide them with the additional opportunity as well. It also helps in peer tutoring as well. We see that peer tutoring allows students to have more opportunities for assistance as well.  They can partner each of my students up with another student to learn as well as practice the material they are teaching during their lesson. We see that the practice time is divided with each student taking a turn as a tutor as well as a tutee. We see that in addition to this set tutoring time, they allow students to ask their partner for help while completing tasks other than assessments as well. We see that re-teaching as well. We see that sometimes it is necessary to re-teach the material as well. We see that using post-assessments, they like to use the 80/20 rule as well. We see that the greater than 20 percent of their students receive less than an 80% pass rate on an assignment, they re-teach the lesson to their entire class.  If less than 20 percent of the students receive a lower score, they re-teach in small groups. We see that tracking student progress is time-consuming but so critical as well. We know that the only way to ensure students are learning as well as making progress is to track their progress, as well as then adjust their teaching accordingly if they aren’t moving forward as well. We see that to see their student’s grade evolution as well as progress, they have to take several evaluations. They don’t have to grade them, but they need something to measure their achievements as well. We see that it’s easier with grades as well. They can also return student work with just feedback if needed as well. We see that the teacher uses standardized tests that include all the material presented over the year as well.

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